Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Leaving for Verona, Italy

This blog has been sailing along on the crest of a wave with no rudder and no discernible purpose.  I’ve decided to use this site to share my personal experiences as a teenager and young woman living in Europe.  I’m going to begin with our move to Verona, Italy in 1974.  Later I’ll backtrack and share some stories about my teenage years in France and Sweden.

In 1974 we left Chicago and sailed for Europe on the QE 2. My husband, Vincent, would be serving as comptroller of an ice-cream plant partly owned by Beatrice Foods, a large American conglomerate.  Our three children were still small:  Marie-Juliette (5) Charles (3) and Christopher (1).  We drove to New York in our yellow Volkswagen wagon.  The chief advantage to that car was that the engine was in the back under the rear platform, so the front hood opened up as a trunk.  You’ve got to remember that this was before seat-belts so kids were free to roam the car.  In my ignorance of child safety, I loved the fact that the boys could roll around and play with their toys on the back platform, while their sister played with her dolls on the back seat.  If they got tired they just stretched out and fell asleep.  It seemed great at the time.

We boarded the Queen Elizabeth 2 on a sunny day.  Unfortunately, once out to sea it was cold and windy.  We spent most of the time indoors.  Our cabin was small with three children and all their paraphernalia.  There were activities for the children during the day.  Most nights there was a dining service for children followed by games and fun.  One night we put the kids to bed early  When they were asleep we crept out, locked the door and went dancing.  When I think about it now and after seeing TITANIC, it seems irresponsible!

Marie-Juliette and the intrepid Volkswagen.

Boarding the QE2. Vincent, Christopher, me, Charles and Marie-Juliette.

There she blows!

Br-r-r.  We all look miserable.
A family dinner complete with sailor hats.

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